[…] a Pinterest Board For Your Blog Posts I’ve written before about organizing your Pinterest Boards (when I did this I saw a big difference in my repins and traffic referrals) but creating a Pin […]

A few weeks ago I decided that I wanted to do a sort of “revamp” across my social media channels. As this blog evolves into a more lifestyle focused home, I knew that in addition to expanding my content to include more topics outside of fashion and beauty, I had to do some social media cleanup, especially with Pinterest.
See, Pinterest is the motherload. It’s where many go for inspiration. As it relates to blogging, Pinterest is such a valuable tool for both research purposes and traffic to your sight, so I decided to restructure my page. When I first joined years ago I went insane with the pinning, lol. I was just pinning any and everything, had almost 75 random boards, just…doing way too much lol. It took a few hours but I was able to narrow down my boards from 72 to 33.
Here’s another snapshot of my refreshed page:
It fits so much better with the content on my blog now. If you’re on Pinterest or interested in using it for your blog and not just personal curation, here are a few things to keep in mind:
Structured Categorizing
I know it may seem a little much, but before you start pinning, put a little thought into what you’ll put up. If it’s just for fun then by all means do whatever you want, but if you will be using your Pinterest boards as part of your social media footprint for your blog, take some time to plan out your boards (and create one specifically for your posts too!).
For example, Fashion is such a broad topic, so in order to ensure my boards made sense, I have boards for street style, style inspiration, a shopping wish list, etc. I didn’t want it lumped all together-people can get overwhelmed by that. Now, in addition to my other categories (including Decor, Beauty, and Ode to Carrie Bradshaw, etc.) if someone visits my page they can either follow all, or zoom in on what they want. Makes things super easy.
Follow Kim Thomas’s board Style Inspiration on Pinterest.
Order Thy Boards Some people order their boards A-Z, but I decided to put mine in order from my favorite/most popular pinboards to the least. The best of the best are on the top 2 rows. I use these the most, so in the event I need to show someone something, I can go straight to my homepage and find it without having to scroll all day long.
Edit Completely Once the boards are in the order you want, make sure that you go into each one to adjust titles, add board categories, and even add some descriptions if needed. I deleted over half of my boards, so I went into each one and repinned where needed so that I could keep the images I liked, but group them together better. I even noticed that I had pinned some things to the wrong boards, so me doing this helped me correct it. I will warn you though: the sooner you reorganize the better. I’ve had some of these boards up for 3+ years, and after I deleted the ones I didn’t want to keep/hardly used, I realized I lost a nice lump of followers because of that. It sucks but oh well!
Follow Kim Thomas’s board Yummy on Pinterest.
Pretty Covers
Each board has its own cover, so whatever category it falls under, make sure you have your best photo as the cover. The prettier the picture, the more people will be enticed to click on it and follow it. The image is landscape, not portrait, so you may have to move your images around a bit to get it to look right.
Follow Kim Thomas’s board Decor on Pinterest.
My account feels so much more organized now, which ironically, makes me want to pin more! If you’re trying to build a personal brand in a visual medium, what you put out into the world has to be cohesive. It doesn’t have to be cookie-cutter bland, BUT, it should be pretty. Keeping your platforms clutter free and organized can make a world of a difference in how people view your “brand” so it’s good to periodically restructure things.
How much do you use Pinterest? Is your page really organized? Comment below!