[…] the most wear out of it. It can be paired with black/white/dark denim, and will even work with my new brown booties. Brown + black can be worn together when brown is treated as the accent […]

Last week I was on the hunt for some new tan/brown ankle booties. I have a pair that’s still good from a few seasons ago, but they’re only comfortable in certain settings (aka not for work!). On my lunch break I skipped food (because who needs food when you need boots), and headed to Target to see what they had in stock. I tried on a few pair that were just ok, checked my watch and saw I needed to head back to work. I decided to walk down one last aisle and stumbled upon a pair of booties that were my size, the color that I wanted, the heel style/height that I wanted and…..on clearance for $10.48!
I looked around and was like seriously, am I being punk’d?? I KNOW these aren’t gonna fit (because this usually happens to me) but lo and behold they fit like a glove! I grabbed that box so fast and flew to the register. The lady at checkout thought I was a little weird because I was so giddy about my purchase but she did a double take at the box and price once she scanned it and THEN she understood what was up.
Is Target expensive? Nope, but come on, who WOULDN’T be ecstatic about a quality pair of boots that was the cost of a meal at Panera?
Every blue moon I luck up like this, so I’m keeping my eyes open for a few more great deals. The booties that I found are the Annie Side Ankle Zip Booties; online they are still $34.99 (which is STILL a great deal), but check your local store-they could be marked down there!
What’s the best fashion deal you’ve stumbled upon?