[…] projects and photography work over the next few months (which is kinda crazy since I said I was shifting gears with photography a few weeks ago, lol). The workbook is very detailed, though, so I may make it available for […]

I never wanted to be the type of photographer that shoots any and everything. I always wanted to specialize, and because I was a blogger first, lifestyle photography is what I’ve always been drawn to. What I want to shoot:
- Branded lookbooks for boutiques to use on their site + social media
- Style photography for fashion bloggers
- Creative visual content for lifestyle bloggers, small businesses, brands and creatives
- Home decor + interiors
- Lifestyle photography for marketing materials for small business, brands, + creatives
On occasion I get to shoot these things, but my ideal clients are few and far between. There’s not a large market here for it juuuust yet, plus most of the lifestyle jobs that do come up go to the tried + true options (which is normal. Most people use who are in their circle). It’s just frustrating when you’re told multiple times by store owners and creatives that they love your photography work, and you’re invited to their events as press, but you’re nowhere on their radar when it comes time for them to do visual content updates. Everyone is not meant to be your client, but after it happened a few times over the course of months, I had my aha moment with it and have decided to just fully embrace the media aspect of KP Fusion. For now, anyway.
Although it’s very popular in the south, I’m not interested in shooting weddings, babies + seniors (unless it’s someone that I know really really well). I’d rather embrace the whole media thing than keep being frustrated due to lack of opportunities because I don’t have certain things under my umbrella. I know that I have a great eye (and I get to shoot lookbooks with my day job at the boutique), soooooo my energy will go towards creating even more original content on here and working with people that way. Plus, brands outside of Memphis seem to “get me” so I’m definitely going to stay open for that!
While it’s a service that will always be available if I receive an inquiry (I do have a few regular clients and there’s actually a BIG project coming up that I’m shooting but I can’t disclose just yet), I won’t be actively pursuing it for awhile. I know that as our fashion + lifestyle communities grows that I will be able to dip my toes into that water again, but right now, quite frankly, it’s too exhausting.
So I’m not quitting, just evolving. When it’s time to jump back in, I will. In the meantime, I have something that I’m working on for here that will still allow me to shoot what I love without the added pressure of adding on new clients. I’ll share more on that down the road!