In this new series, KP Fusion talks with fellow fashion bloggers to find out what inspires them, what’s in their makeup bag, some of their favorite trends, and that one wardrobe staple that they can’t live without.
Read along to discover something new about your blogger’s favorite bloggers!

Name: Anne Davies
Homebase: Leicester, England
Blog: The Satirical Stylist
Month/Year Blog Launched: March 2011
How did you get into blogging?
I started my first blog in 2009. I was learning to cope with the NY dating scene and my writing reflected this; it was quite scandalous. I began to feel guilty about my bitter/overly-open self and stopped typing. I missed blogging and began to write again earlier this year.
What has been the best thing about it? Hardest?
The best thing is when you look back on an old post and think, “That’s quite good… Did I actually write that?” The other best thing is the comments and feedback; I don’t get that many from people who don’t already know me, so when I do it’s really special.
The hardest is that it is so time taxing and then of course there’s days when you just cannot string a sentence together.
What do you do when you aren’t working on your blog?
It’s difficult to say, as my life tends to move around… At the minute, I’m back at my parent’s house, so I tend to spend my time with my family and generally being quite a relaxed creature. Whereas when I’m living in a bigger city, I love to explore and experience.
Friends, dancing, music, amaze food, coffee, books, and terrible reality shows are always a constant.
Dream Job:
Eek! This is a really hard question. I will try to break it down to just three (note: I am really hanging on to the “dream” aspect in this question):
1. An actress
2. Have my own café in Brooklyn, which would sell French Patisseries, amazing coffee & vintage clothes
3. An amaze job in production, where I could work in the ideas department for truly trashy reality TV
Describe your look in five words:
Recycled, Baggy, Tight, Layered, Ever-changing
Who/what influences your style?
My grandma
Who are some of your favorite designers?
I think Acne has some gorgeous designs and would love to fill my wardrobe with their jackets and jumpers. I am not really big on designers as lusting after things I can’t have hurts.
Where are some of your favorite places to shop?
Topshop, American Apparel, Urban Outfitters, H&M, Reiss, Zara, Vintage shops, second hand shops…
What’s one item in your wardrobe that you can’t live without?
I have an amazing navy Ralph Lauren Cardigan that I inherited. It’s non-descript and simple but is a great fit and goes with everything. My plan is to start investing in classic key items, rather than collecting crap that loses shape after the first wash.
What’s a classic item that every woman should own?
A Ralph Lauren Navy Blue Cardigan??
Which trend(s) were you most excited to try this season?
I was very happy that velvet has been splashed around. I heard a rumour that “if you wore it the first time around then you shouldn’t wear it again”. I don’t believe it though.
Fashion on Film: Which movies inspire you?
Do you know that it’s been a while since I’ve been truly inspired by a movie on the Fashion Front… Breakfast at Tiffany’s of course never seizes to inspire. TV shows such as Gossip girl and Sex in the City get my fashion senses racing; admiration, envy a whole range of emotions.
When I was younger there were a number of movies where the fashion really inspired me; off the top of my head they would be: Grease 1 and 2, Dirty Dancing, The Lost Boys, Desperately Seeking Susan, La Boum, l’ete meurtrier, My girl, Narnia, À nous les petites anglaises, and Clueless.
Three magazines that you MUST read monthly:
I rarely read magazines but when I do, it would be a choice of Company, Grazia, and then whichever has the most gossip-worthy cover out of Reveal, Star, Closer etc…
Three items in your makeup bag:
Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer, Laura Mercier Concealer, YSL Faux Cils
Favorite color of lipstick/lipgloss:
Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupté
Favorite color of nail polish:
Models Own Pink Punch
Words of (style) wisdom:
Don’t let fashion quotes, trends and forecasts be the sole influence on your style; go with your gut.
The most important question of all: cookies, cupcakes, or ice cream?
Hmmm I think ice cream, but it would have to be a huge one. I’m thinking a scoop of salted caramel, one vanilla, loads of warm chocolate, topped with cream and maybe some crème anglaise. Oh yes-and some toasted flaked almonds over the top.
Thanks Anne!!
*** Be sure to hop on over to her blog to read an interview with yours truly as well 🙂 ***