One of the cool things about having so many friends that are creatives is that even when we’re just hanging out on a random Saturday, we still know how to get our personal work done without feeling like we’re sacrificing our friendships. Your work and “life” become fluid, so you’re constantly inspired by your environment.
After I went to an art exhibit in the Spring, I stopped by my friend Andrea’s house to play catchup and tell her all about it. She was working on her sketching in between fittings, so once her client came, I grabbed her sketchbook and some of her greeting cards, found a little nook in her kitchen that gets great natural light and practiced my “staging”. I wanted to take pictures of her work, but not necessariy in a “formal” way (aka marketing campaign or lookbook).
See, I love BTS documentaries and blog posts that show you an artist’s creative process. Yes, the finished product is amazing, but for me, when they show you the tools that they used or why they decided to go with x over z, that personal note makes me more invested in their brand. It’s one of the reasons I love designers like Rachel Roy, Rachel Zoe, and Tom Ford so much. Giving that glimpse into their journey can also inspire you in how you work as well.
Whether you’re a designer, writer, painter, or stylist, if you can, give your clients (and future clients) a glimpse into your world. It can create a connection that’s even more powerful than your next marketing campaign.
Do you like BTS documentaries? Which is your fave?