Career + Style Stalker: Jenna Lyons | KP FUSION
The manner in which Jenna Lyons has changed the personal style game can’t be contested. Just take a look at any popular street style blog or group of girls out for brunch and you can easily see her influence on the way that people now mix prints, have more fun with texture, and experiment with a high/low silhouette. Her style is quite fearless, but in the bigger scheme of things, it’s still attainable. If you break down the key components in her outfits, you can look in your closet and find similar pieces, and that’s what makes her style so covetable. Career-wise, she’s become the creative force behind J.Crew, turning them into a cult-brand, which is extremely difficult for a mass market apparel company. She started as an assistant designer in the 90s, but after working her way up through the company over the years, she’s now the Executive Creative Director and overseas everything from the design team for each season’s collections to the monthly catalogs and marketing. Her aesthetic has become synonymous with the brand: she IS J. Crew. That’s not a small feat, and it’s one of the many reasons why I study her work. She can do no wrong with fashion in my book, but here are a few times when she’s really, really, really gotten it right: To see more of my (ever-growing) list of favorite looks from Jenna, be sure to follow my “An Ode To Jenna Lyons” Pinterest Board! What’s your favorite Jenna Lyon’s look? Port Work | Teenage Wasteland First Look | Warby Parker Corner Collection