Celebrating its partnership with contemporary label Belle Badgley Mischka, now through November 8th you can enter a fun contest for a chance to win 2 tickets to the Badgely Mischka Show during NYFW. It’s super easy to enter:
Share the photo above via SM (Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, or Facebook), and include: “@DillardsStores I want to win the BelleBadgley MIschka sweepstakes for 2 tickets to the Badgley Mischka runway show at New York Fashion Week.”
Be sure to use the hashtags #BelleBadgleyMischka #DillardsGoesToFashionWeek #BadgleyMischka + #Dillards so that they see your post!
If you’re a fashion blogger, reach out to their rep so that you can enter a special Styling Suite Contest. I’ll be at Dillard’s Wolfchase tomorrow styling a gorgeous babe, so be sure to follow me on Instagram to see some BTS shots!
For full contest details, click here. Winners will be notified 11/12.