Woo-hoo! My submission for this week’s IFB Links à la Mode roundup was selected! Check out my post + the others that made it!
Fix The Internet
Sure, none of us can unsee the madness that KimK launched on the Internet… but we can certainly get on with our lives. Especially since the holidays are in full swing and, quite honestly, we’re busy! Do you want to try the turtleneck thing? Are you gearing up for January resolutions by figuring out what you want out of life? Or do you just want to get out of town for a day? Whatever it is… enough with breaking the internet… let’s get to fixing up our lives.
Links a la Mode: November 20th
- Attire Club: 10 Facts About Movember
- Bowtie Diary: The Day Guide to Helsinki
- Chic & Defined: Fab or Fail: Turtlenecks
- Everyday Starlet: Recipe for The Perfect Thanksgiving Outfit
- Fashionopolis: Celebrating Bloggers & Life Outside The Cubicle
- High Heels In the Wilderness: Turtleneck Love
- KP Fusion: Using Your Blog As An Asset to Your Fashion Brand
- Kremb de la Kremb: My Five ~ How I Go For It
- Just Mariklo: DIY Embellished Beanies
- Les Assorties: WTalent: Muyombano
- Ms. Fabulous: J Mendel Collaboration with Enoc Perez
- Oh So Jack: Booze, Bootie & Breaking The Internet
- Petite Career Girl: Six Ways to Wear a Cranberry Flounce Skirt
- Riva La Diva: 4 Reasons You Need a Wrap Dress
- Sheela Writes: Creativity As A Muscle
- Style Marmalade: 10 Things To Think Of Every Time You Want To Give Up
- The Sweet Seed: How to Wear Your Spring Staples in Winter
- We Are Ready Made: Losing Our Religion
- What Would You Wear If: Going for a Night Out With SNL’s Stefon
- Wild Beauty World: Is Fat “Evil”?
SPONSOR: Shopbop IOS Rugger, KSNY Watches, Gold Philosophy, DKNY, Tory Burch Bags, Designer Bags, Cocktail dresses, Puffers, Tamara Mellon, Cute Hats & Antonello Bags
Want to be featured in Links à la Mode?
1. Read the clarified rules and submit your links on this page: Links à la Mode.
2. If your link was selected and you need this week’s code, visit this page: Links à la Mode Code.