Happy New Year peeps!
I hope your night was filled with love, laughs, and a little bit of bubbly! I stayed in and celebrated with family last night ( we were all happily knocked out by 12:30a lol. #washed) and today I’m spending some time cleaning my apt and mapping out blog posts + shoots for the month. (And debating on if I’m going to get out and do a little shopping-the urge is STRONG, lol).
I don’t really set resolutions for the new year; my overall goals are to find more balance in those areas that are important to me (love, health, finances), to stay focused and driven with my career, and to always make time for things and people that I love.
I do like the “freshness” that starts with a new month and year, though, so I’m always trying to stay ahead of the curve. I’m going into 2015 with a clear head about everything (personal life, career goals, etc) and it feels SO GOOD. Like, I’m totally geeked about what’s to come. I hope you all feel the same. See you on Monday!