Last week I was playing around w/my coffee table + fireplace decor and realized I’m in need of some new, smaller trinkets to balance out the larger books and candles. After perusing J. Crew’s site, I may have found just what I need (for under $20 no less!)
These cute little catchall trays and jewelry boxes are interesting enough to add a little pop of color and style, but not so bold that they’d look out of place. They can be used in the traditional sense for jewelry storage and to hold knickknacks, but they can also be design accents throughout the home on bookshelves and tables.
Ceramic Oval Catchall, $9.99
Ceramic Jewelry Box, $8.99
HUGO GUINNESS™ for J. Crew Ceramic Catchall, $9.99
Square Jewelry Catchall, $4.99
HUGO GUINNESS™ for J. Crew Ceramic Catchall, $8.99
I’m all for cuteness that won’t break the bank, and these little babies are dirt cheap. Plus, J. Crew is doing an extra 40% + 50% off all final sale items. You could literally get all of these for $30. Such a steal, no?
I didn’t know J Crew had home goods. This is so exciting!
I was so surprised when I saw them. I hope that they continue bc these are so cute.