I’ve been a blogger for over 4+ years, and while new content ideas are always popping up in my head, at times I experience blogger burnout and get stuck in a rut. I work full-time in addition to running this blog and freelance work, so I spend quite a bit of “free time” in front of the computer; I absorb so much digitally that when I feel myself getting writer’s block, I take a step back from everything to do something creative and recharge in the analog world. This year, I plan to find a lot more balance with it all; these are a few of my favorite things to do:
Take a walk. There’s nothing quite like a dose of fresh air. Downtown, in the park, in my neighborhood, wherever. It’s a nice change of pace. I sometimes take my camera with me just in case I see something cool, but usually it’s just me and my headphones (bc you gotta have your own soundtrack).
Go to a museum. We have quite a few here. My two faves are the Brooks and the Dixon. The Brooks is smack dab in the middle of a park and near the Zoo, so when it’s warm I can actually spend the day visiting all 3. The Dixon has a really nice garden, so I can walk the grounds after seeing an exhibit and even relax and read a book or people watch in the midst of it all.
Paint. My painting is horrible, lol. When I was younger I was able to draw but I let it fall to the wayside over the years (though being able to do makeup pretty well could possibly be the alternative??), Grabbing acrylics + a small canvas sheet is quite cathartic. I turn on music or a movie I’ve seen a gazillion times as background noise and then paint about 1-2 sheets. I’ve yet to create anything to show people and don’t get to practice as much as I’d like, but it’s really one of my favorite things to do.
Read (at home + at the bookstore). I use to read magazines as soon as I got them but now I typically have a stack of at least 5 that I can dive into when I just can’t blog anymore. The same goes with books. I’m finishing up Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters by Jon Acuff ( a quick read that I keep for when I have to do laundry or errands that require waiting), but I also pop into Bookstores to see what’s out as well.
Extras: Peruse makeup aisles in Target, Sephora, and Ulta (but this is pretty much a given).
How do you find balance + creative inspiration?
I love to clean the house while playing some neo soul music. I have candles lit, blinds opened, and the windows cracked. After that a nice nap refreshes me.
that is my exact Sunday cleaning ritual, lol.
I struggle horribly with finding balance. I have to take breaks, walk around, play with my daughter or watch a fashion documentary. Great tips!!!!
thank you! what are some of the documentaries you’ve watched?