[…] guys! I had so much fun teaching my 2nd Basics of Blogging Workshop on last Sunday. This session sold out, and like the first, it was filled with people who will be […]

I’m super excited to announce my next Basics of Blogging Workshop!
I had so much fun hosting my introductory workshop earlier this month and received such a positive response from it, that I will be hosting another one on Sunday, February 22nd, 2015 from 2pm-5pm at Langford Market Memphis.
Blogging is such a big component of my life, and I’ve had so many amazing experiences come my way because of it, so I’m determined to get every one on board with it. Whether you only want to blog as a hobby, use it as part of your growth strategy for your business, or use it as a creative outlet for bigger things, my goal with these workshops is to help you get your site up and running.
Though I touch on a few technical elements (choosing a host, SEO, etc), I focus moreso on the meat + potatoes of blogging (content development, finding your niche, etc). I’ve created a nifty little workbook that will provide you will the tools you need to get you started with blogging. There’s even a weekly editorial calendar included to help you stay organized.
To purchase a ticket ($25), click here. If you’re unable to attend, I am available for digital consulting; please shoot me an email at kimberly@kpfusion.com, and list any questions below you might have about blogging for future posts!Only 15 spots are available, as these workshops are very hands-on and allow for Q + A throughout workbook completion.
Hope to see you there!