I have a confession to make. Instead of carrying my little Canon + lenses around in a camera bag, I’ve been tossing them my purse. I know, I know, I should take much better care of my tech, but considering my handbag is pretty big as is, I didn’t want to add another sling to my arm. However, I do like having the option of leaving my personal junk (makeup mostly, lol) in my purse while only having my camera, iphone, and notebook with me when I’m shooting on location, so I’ve decided that it’s high time that I make that investment (a real investment, not just a flimsy little shoulder bag).
Matt & Nat Riley Vintage Messenger Bag, $101
Jo Totes Gracie Camera Bag, $109
A Beautiful Mess x Kelly Moore Camera Bag, $229
Jo Totes Betsy Camera Bag, $109
Epiphanie Chelsea Grey Leather Camera Bag, $199
How do you carry around your tech?