My chances to go downtown for Trolley Night are few and far between, but when I can, 9 times out of 10 I will bring my camera with me just in case I can snap up some City Style. I hung out at Stock + Belle as they celebrated the opening of 387 Pantry, the grocery store component of their multi-level business (there’s a salon upstairs as well), and Question the Answer launched their Indiegogo Campaign (read more about that here).
The weather was SO nice that night and it was packed, so I only got a handful of shots (I was also running my mouth but whatevs, lol) but I thought they were definitely worth sharing:
Stylists from Salon 387.
Kristina’s necklace from Michael Kors? ZOMG.
Lauren at her Indiegogo Setup before the night began.
I have a bit of a style crush on Thuyvi. She just does minimalism RIGHT. Follow her on IG!
I met Emily and her husband that night (she’s a local photographer). Her dress is from Red Velvet Vintage. So cute!
Lauren’s sister Maggie, who is just the sweetest thing. Also of note: that blouse she has on is from Banana Republic!
Singer Jeremy Stanfill did a set and he has this AH-MAZING stripped down cover of Oasis’ Wonderwall. Like, insane!
How did you spend your Friday night?
city style Fashion question the answer stock & belle trolley night
those sugar skull necklaces are incredible! can’t get enough.