I’ve been so busy the last few days that I just realized KPFUSION turns 6 today! Wow! While I’m not quite where I want to be with it, I’ve accomplished a LOT over the last year:
- I was hired to host multiple events w/Macy’s + Simon Mall
- I was a “talking head” on TV twice
- I traveled for my first media event to review a hotel + restaurant
- I collaborated w/quite a few brands (yay monetization!).
I also upgraded my camera + gained some fun photography clients! I say all of that not to brag, but to remind myself that I am growing, and while it’s not always easy, I’m on the right creative path so just keep pushing. Over the next year, I’m going to be switching gears a bit with my blogging; this Fall I will start regularly doing personal style posts *bites nails* and hopefully I will start to travel (I have a series I’m still fleshing out). I’m also switching gears with photography (more on that later), and while I don’t know how often I will be doing live workshops after the one I’m teaching next month, I do have a few ideas for e-books + a resource library that I want to churn out. I’m excited about where I’m headed with this here blog.
So happy birthday to KPFUSION! The best is yet to come!
Congratulations! I love your blog…beat wishes on all of your future endeavors.
thanks so much Sabrina!! xo
Congrats on 6 years and cheers to many more!
thank you!