Instagram is probably the most popular/necessary social media platform for bloggers at the moment. Although the algorithm they put in place last year made things a little bit harder to navigate, it’s still very possible to grow a decent following with good engagement if you avoid these 5 mistakes:
Posting from a private account
When you first joined IG you initially had a private account just for friends + family, but once you launch your site, it’s time to let the lock go. IG is all about sharing your style, travel, or beauty tips, and the more people can see your posts, the better. Yes, you may get some spam followers or even trolls, but that’s just a part of the game. Brands, other bloggers, and readers can’t find you if your account is locked, and many will automatically switch off of your page if it is. Use the block button for any crazies that come your way, but unlock your account. Otherwise, the rest of these tips are null and void.
Only using hashtags for your blog
If you’re mixing in content that needs to be under a specific hashtag linked to your account that’s cool, but don’t forget to use hashtags that are aimed at your target audience. If you’re a style blogger, use tags like #fashionblogger #currentlywearing + #whatiwore so that people can see your posts when they’re searching for inspiration. TRUST, hashtags work, and you can use up to 30 in a post. Keep your caption clean with maybe 2 or 3 and then post the rest in a separate comment. To make it even easier, think about the categories that you blog about and make separate notes in your phone for each one, then just copy/paste the one you need once your pic is up. It will literally only take 2 seconds, and start opening your account up to the RIGHT type of following (i.e. those that are looking for you and will most likely engage with you).
Posting bad/blurry photos
I shouldn’t have to keep saying this but posting bad or blurry photos downgrades your feed (and it’s exactly why I’m teaching a workshop on it). I know VERY few bloggers that post images to their account straight from their phone. Seriously, editing apps are your friend. You can make images sharper, brighter, and overall prettier in less than a minute. There are tons to try (I wrote about Snapseed here), but you can also use the in-app editing function in Instagram (you don’t have to use the filters). Good lighting and a steady hand is necessary for the initial shot, but then use the editors to elevate the image.
Not responding to comments
Who are you, the Queen of England? The whole purpose of social media is to be social, so take a few minutes to respond to comments on your pictures. Even if you can’t do it right away, the commenter will appreciate it, and it shows that you care about your audience. The more you engage, the more you build community, and the more you ultimately grow your influence.
Not mixing up your images
just because you’re a style blogger, it doesn’t mean you only have to post full body outfit posts. People that follow you want to see the detail shots, and also what inspires your tastes. So if you love shoe shopping, show a cool pair of shoes (on your feet or while trying them on at a store; you can even show a styled picture of the boxes), or if you’re a cupcake fiend, give us a glimpse of what your faves are. The point is, mix up your storytelling. If your feed can evoke some type of feeling when people look at it, they will keep coming back to it and your blog-which is the ultimate goal!
Thanks for the tips! I’m not a fashion blogger, but I am trying to get more follows for my photography business.
No problem! It all works the same, so you’ll definitely be able to tailor the tips to your account. 🙂
Great tips!