Being a blogger means that you’re constantly looking for inspiration for content, especially for your visuals. There are a ton of sites out there that offer stock photos, but as you start to shift from content curation to creation, you’ll find yourself wanting to create your own. With product flatlays being so popular right now, books, jewelry, candles, and other little trinkets are popular add-ons to include with your hero product (what your image is focused on). I’m always picking up something new when I go to Target + Ikea, and one thing I’m constantly looking for are new books.
Everyone’s aesthetic is different, but if you’re trying to build up a basic “prop” collection, here are a list of books that not only photograph well, but are also interesting to read.
Love Style Life | Garance Dore
The Kinfolk Home | Nathan Williams
Elements of Style | Erin Gates
Cupcakes + Cashmere at Home | Emily Schuman
Capture Your Style | Aimee Song
All In Good Taste | Kate Spade
The Year of Cozy | Rianna Adarme
There’s a reason that you see them featured in so many images across the web; their size, shape, and color work well when layering products in your pictures. Your eye and style is your own, so there’s nothing wrong with using certain props that WORK.