Sometimes, a girl just needs to go to the garden. I stopped by the Dixon Gallery + Garden one Saturday morning before a shoot with a client and it was one of the best decompressing activities I could have ever done. I initially went to see a new exhibit, but because it wasn’t open yet (I was a week early), I decided to take a tour of the garden since the flowers were in bloom instead.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous, so I took a stroll through the grounds.
I always go the museum, but this was my first time taking a walk across the full garden while everything was in bloom. The pathways were lined with tulips and other colorful flowers, and because it was so nice out, friends and families were out walking around, taking pictures, and even having picnics.
The garden is so vast, with little benches placed throughout, so if you wanted to be in the crowd you could, but you could also find your very on nook and be to yourself.
I didn’t realize how much I needed to be out in nature in the sun until I got there. I’m always on the go and in the mix, so I wanted to have a moment to be in my own thoughts, away from all of the hustle and bustle from work (even if it was just for a few hours). The air was clean and crisp with a faint floral scent. I was so relaxed once I was done.
Before it gets too hot, I’m going to go back with a book and lunch so that I can have my own little picnic in “nature”. I was rejuvenated once I left, and had a little pep in my step as I went on with the rest of my day.
Want to visit the Dixon? Click here for location and hour details. Admission is only $7 for adults ($3 for kids), but if you’re a little short on cash, it’s free on Saturday mornings between 10am-12pm.