No matter how much you plan, you will always hit a wall when it comes to blogging. Sometimes your ideas will flow out like water, and others you will sit and stare at your computer for hours trying to think of something interesting to say. As long as you don’t pull a Carrie and write about men as socks or Randall the Sandal guy (that wasn’t even his name!), you can bounce back from writer’s block if you do 2 things:
- Keep a journal of blog post ideas (preferably categorized according to your site’s content).
- Learn how to batch write posts and schedule your content.
This is the secret to staying consistent with writing. You don’t have to sit in front of your computer all day err day trying to come up with content ideas (unless that’s your thing. If so, #carryon). Most bloggers develop an editorial calendar based around holidays, themes, and certain categories (fashion, beauty, decor, etc.) and take time out each week to batch write and edit their posts. When your creative juices are flowing, it’s easy pump out blog posts; the key is to then schedule them to go live on certain days so that you always have fresh content on your site.
If you’ve got the batch process down but find yourself running out of content ideas, here are 9 blog post ideas for when you have writer’s block.
How-To Guide
Evergreen Content (content that people will always search for no matter the day/time/year) work well under this category. If you know how to do something really well (and can explain it well too!) think about a few “how-to” guides that you could potential share with your readers. They can be as simple or as detailed as you want.
Reach out to someone that you admire (bloggers, creatives, business owners, your favorite teacher from school) for an interview, or do a profile on a cool space or boutique. People love learning about new people and places, and it’s also a way to get you out of the house!
Product Review
Beauty and tech junkies love doing these! If you’ve tried something new that you think your readers will love, it doesn’t hurt to do a product review. Just make sure it’s authentic-don’t go out and buy a lot of crap for the sake of writing about it.
Beginner’s Guide to _____
Do you know how to give parties really well? Are you the go-to friend when someone needs help with planning a trip or redecorating their home? If you think that there are basics to certain topics that EVERYONE should know, think about creating guides for them. Doesn’t matter if its been written about before-YOU didn’t write it so share your voice.
List of Faves/Top 10
Favorite lipstick/concealer/socks/books/romcoms, etc. If it makes sense to your blog, think about sharing a list of your favorite things. You can even get more adventurous and share your favorite places to travel on a budget or your top coffee shops around town.
Check List
If you’re hella organized and can help me get my life in order, tell me everything I need to do it! You can write it as a blog post and/or create a cute little checklist for whatever it is (use Canva if you’re not Photoshop savvy) and share it as an opt-in for your email newsletter. The possibilities are endless.
A Day in the Life
If you find yourself being asked “so what do you do all day?”, now may be a good time to share a day in the life. This is also a good option for people that have small businesses and want to give a behind the scenes glimpse into their life and how the business operates.
Monthly Goal
Are you trying to eat healthier or save up for a new camera? Do you have some milestones set for your blog that you want to share with your readers? Giving insight into your goals (and what you did to achieve them) is both inspiring and motivating to your readers, and can also give you another form of accountability to make sure you actually work on them.
A Must-Read Book
There are books that stay with us our entire life. Whether from childhood or business/hobby related, people love reading book recommendations (and WHY you actually love it). Again, as long as it makes sense on your blog, share away!