“Do you know what today iiiiiiiiiiis?!?!” Yall, my blog is 7 today! Every time I reach another milestone in this blogging world my heart skips a beat because this blog has truly changed my life.
When I first started blogging, I had no clue what I really wanted to do, only that I needed a creative outlet to explore. When this launched, it gave me freedom to experiment, and over the years it’s allowed me to not only have some amazing experiences and meet new cool people, but also helped me find photography. I’ve always liked taking pictures, but never in a million years would I have thought that my “day job” would be a photographer, let alone one doing it on my OWN terms. I shoot with boutiques, bloggers and creatives, and I have never had to compromise what I do or how I am to gain clients. It’s a bit surreal when I think about it sometimes, but I truly enjoy what I do every, AND I get to share my thoughts on style and other fun stuff here on the blog with you guys.
I’ve also learned so much about blogging…. and have been able to teach what I know. I’ve been able to do one-on-one consults, lunch +learns, and develop my own blogging workshop series, because I know the opportunity that can come with having your own platform. HOW COOL IS THAT?!
This past year has been one of my best yet and I’m looking forward to what’s to come. I have so many ideas on what I want to do with this blog, and this new year (and season because it’s also the first day of Fall. Coincidence? I think not!) I plan to do a few more offline activities in addition to sharing more personal style, beauty, and also…my city. Memphis is a cool place to live and is developing quite rapidly, and I want to continue to share THAT with you guys through my own personal lens.
7 is the number of completion, so a new cycle is about to begin. Stay tuned!