One of things that I love about being a blogger is that if you play it right, you can use it as a launch pad for something so much bigger. When I first met Shelby Jewel-Tucker she was blogging on her fashion blog (The Memphis Jewel), but after building a strong following via her blog + social media channels, she was able to open her online boutique Shelby Jewel, last Fall.
Cute, affordable essentials with a slightly southern touch (if you’ve ever met Shelby, you know that her shop is truly reflective of her style and aesthetic), one of the things that I love most about her brand since its launch is its cohesiveness in marketing and branding. From the product images to the social media content, you can tell that Shelby took her time in curating pieces and developing content that carried the same brand messaging across platforms. Because of this, it’s no surprise that when she launches her mini capsules, many pieces sell out immediately. I met up with Shelby one sunny morning a few weeks ago to play in the park and talk shop.
Ruflfe Bomber, $55
I first met you as a blogger but you’ve since transitioned into a boutique owner (yay!). What made you launch Shelby Jewel?
I knew that I loved fashion and interacting with people to share my style and help them. I do love blogging, but I felt disconnected with it. Opening up a shop and being able to curate a line that people could find stylish, affordable pieces from really tugged at my heart. So, with the business aspect + creative aspect acquired, I ran with it.
Will you still blog now that you’re running the boutique? If so, how will you combine the two?
I think I will. But, it will definitely be different. My blog won’t necessarily be just a “fashion blog” anymore. It’ll be all aspects of my life. Faith, travel, food, beauty, life, etc. The fact that the shop is named after me means I’m bringing myself as brand literally into the marketing of it. So this blog is a more personal way to get to know me as just Shelby.
What influenced the brand’s aesthetic? I follow the shop on Instagram and love how cohesive and strong the branding + storytelling is. Any tips you’d pass along?
The Brand’s aesthetic came from just a vision I had in my mind. Studying other instagrams through the years from being a blogger and just knowing myself. I’m literally branding myself. I’ve always been a classic gal who loves to create a lifestyle. I sat down with my branding gal, Annie Seay, and we made up a whole board and color palette of what me in a brand would look like and what I wanted my customers to feel when shopping around. When it came to the photography, I drew to the edits + angles that I knew I wanted to represent my brand. Luckily they just happened to be two of my good friends, Lauren and Sean Flowers.
My tip would be to know what your priorities are. I knew my branding + photography were incredibly important. So I outsourced to people who I knew would get me and that I admired their work because it was in line with what my vision was. Also, I was really thankful to have a brand creator who created a palette and theme for me. So everything stayed within that theme. I know my weaknesses, and one of them is graphics. My brand creator makes those graphics for me every month so I can stay within my theme + aesthetic. I’m also honest with both of those sets of people. Communicate – they appreciate it more than you know.
Ice Grey Flounce Top, $45
How would you describe the Shelby Jewel girl’s style?
Very classic. I do have hints of trends throughout my products. But, I feel like I have something in my shop for everyone. It definitely takes more of a dainty, girly style.
How has owning a boutique influenced your personal style, and vice versa?
It has taught me to take more risks with some pieces. But, it’s also taught me to learn + listen to what other people may like. (Like making sure to buy some black pieces for the shop. I rarely buy anything black for my personal closet – I love my lighter neutrals or fun colors.) It is fun getting to curate a line that people know exactly what style will come from it. I think that’s where blogging was so great for me. It created a sense of trust knowing that the pieces I have bought for the store are thought through + very much my style.
What Spring trends are you most looking forward to trying?
I die for any type of culotte or paper bag pant, so you will be seeing some of those in the shop. I also love midi dresses, which I feel like is a style that was held back for some time, but I see more and more of them appear. I try to bring in classic pieces that can have a hint of risk to them so that I can bring people out of their comfort zones with.
Striped Midi Dress, $58 (Straw Sailor Hat to launch soon)
Any pop-up shops or events on the horizon?
Yes! I have a Spring Open House in April + A Christmas in July event down in Mobile, AL. I will probably plan an open house here at my home in May or June! I’m searching for some fun events in the fall such as Hope Market at Hope Church + events such as that as well.
Shelby is such a sweetheart with a fun, energetic spirit, and I’m so excited for her and her new venture! Visit www.shelbyjewel.com to shop. Now until Sunday use code EASTER20 for 20% off your order!