We’re sooooo so close, yall. I know I keep talking about it but Fall is my favorite time of year, so my countdown gets SUPER serious once we make it to mid-August. I love light layers, scarves, booties and all that jazz, so the moment I see leaves changing color, I’m ready, lol. We have about a month until the official first day of Fall, and stores have started to slowly switch over product, so now is the perfect time to start incorporating transitional pieces into your wardrobe. You don’t need to buy a whole new closet, though. It’s still hot as Hades right now in a lot of places, but to prep yourself for those manic weather days where it’s 90 degrees during the day but 50 at night, here are 5 key pieces that you can grab now to help you transition into Fall.
Gauzy Knit Sweaters
Loose, lightweight sweaters are bae right now. When you pair them with shorts, you automatically feel like you’re headed to the beach, but you can also top them with midi skirts and maxi dresses for a really cute boho look.
I LIVE for a good kimono (especially ones with a floral design). They’re a stylish replacement for your traditional cardigan, and depending on what you style it with, can be worn a plethora of ways. If you work in a corporate setting I would skip it for work, but definitely invest in 1 or 2 for the weekend.
Mules have become my go-to shoe over the last 2 years. I still love a good heel, but mules are so much more comfortable to walk around in all day, and look good with literally everything. I love a classic peep-toe style with a medium heel, but I’ve really been feeling the closed toe pointy styles too. Those aren’t as versatile because they cam sometimes make your legs look stumpy if the pant/skirt combo isn’t right, but they’re cute nonetheless.
Maxi Dresses
You probably have a ton of these in your closet already because they’re a great one and done piece, but with the weather changing, you can really play around with how you style them. Pair them with lightweight jackets or kimonos and a boot or mule to get out the house in 5 minutes flat. Don’t forget your hat and layers of jewelry!
Suede or Leather Jacket
If you get nothing else this season, definitely invest in a suede or leather jacket. They can make the simplest outfit instantly look chic and seriously go with ev-er-y-thing. I nabbed a suede one in the Spring that I have been holding on to and can’t wait to break out. I’m still on the hunt for a classic leather jacket though.