At some point, Instagram is going to implode. If you’re a blogger, you’re probably sick to death of talking about its algorithm, and if you’re not, you’re probably sick of hearing us talk about it. Ha! What used to be a cool source of inspiration has morphed into some weird hodgepodge of content that we don’t want to turn away from, but we’re not necessarily loving anymore, and I’m here to say: if you’re a blogger that’s lacking inspiration on what to create (or worse, have gone down the path of doing what every one else is doing and now you hate it)…
Yes, I’m telling you, put your phone down. Or at least, close out the app, even if just for a few days. All of the mindless scrolling and constant number checking is preventing you from doing what you love, which is creating content for YOUR audience. Growing an audience beyond what you currently have is a very valid goal, but at the end of the day (and tomorrow, and the day after that), we do not own that platform. Every day that you find yourself stuck and not creating unique content for your site because you’re frustrated with your IG stats or engagement, you’re neglecting the audience that you’ve cultivated for your OWN blog.
That’s NOT ok!
You cannot stay at the top of your own personal game if you’re constantly consuming the content of others. It’s not possible, and frankly, it’s not healthy. Am I saying that you shouldn’t ever look at your feed? Heck no. What I AM saying, though, is to stop letting what others are doing have so much control over what you do for yourself. Remember, your voice, what you stand for, and why you started your blog in the first place is why people follow you, so take a moment to step back and get back to that person. Think of it like shopping: there are a ton of boutiques and clothing stores out there, but when you’re looking for something specific, you go to a specific store. Every reader that you have comes to you for a reason, so continue to create the content they love, and consume the content of others less. Find offline sources of inspiration to help you get your creative juices flowing, because while you’re mindlessly scrolling and being discouraged by what you see on IG, they’re still posting their content and going on with their day.
Top | Denim | Shoes | Clutch | Earrings
Creating a blog and putting your thoughts and ideas out there for the whole world to see take guts, so take pride in your unique voice, and use your platform as an opportunity to share those stories as only you know how!
Growth milestones are nice, but if you aren’t giving your all with what you have now, how will you handle it if more eyes are on you? So shake off the doubt, put down your phone, and get back to living your life and sharing what you love on YOUR site. Your audience misses you!
Right on time! Needed this today.
thanks Desiree!