I absolutely love supporting my fellow blogger baes with their projects, and over the weekend I got to celebrate my friend Carmeon (@nubiinteriors) official Parenting Plant Guide launch. If you follow Carmeon on IG then you know that she is a bit of a plant whisperer; her modern boheme home is filled with plants, and each week she shares her tips and tricks on plant care, so it made sense that she finally launched a guide.
She collaborated with her plant guide partner/illustrator, Cecilia Walker of Walkabout on the guide, and Anna K. Colomb of TCB Events helped her plan the launch party event at Urban Earth Memphis a nursery and landscaping company in Memphis. In a space surrounded by so many beautiful plants, it was the perfect location for the party.
The community here is so special, and it was great to see so many women come out to show her so much support. So many plant mamas came through (I have a black thumb and last year I accidentally killed a plant that I thought was fake -DON’T ASK!!- so I just admired all of the plants from a distance haha.
My amazonian boos!
Carmeon is not only a friend but a client, and I’ve the best time working with her over the last year. Building an authentic brand takes soooooo much work, and its been inspiring watching her come into her own and do her thing with her blog and her business.
If you’re interested in learning about her Parenting Plant Guide click here. To check out Carmeon’s newly relaunched website + see her portfolio work (she’s an interior designer) click here.
Congrats Carmeon!