The Mid-South Fair came into town last week and guess who got to visit + go on a food tour?!
I haven’t been to the Mid-South Fair since it relocated to the Landers Center from the Mid-South Coliseum in Midtown. I grew up going to the fair with my family and friends when it would come. My favorite memories of the fair are from my teenage years. My friends and I would get dropped off in groups and while we went to ride rides and load up on yummy food and cotton candy, we were also excited because if we timed things juuuuuust right, we could “accidentally” run into the boys that we liked that went to different schools lol. Such fun times!
The Mid-South Fair has been around since 1856 and moved to the Landers Center in 2009. While I missed some of the nostalgia that was tied to the Midtown location, I was not disappointed by my visit. Parking was easier and a lot more organized, and I like how open the layout of the actual fair grounds is. There’s a small petting zoo, educational games and rides; there were also quite a few food vendors, and what’s cool about some of them is that it’s a family affair-some have been a part of the Mid-South Fair for 30+ years!
With that being said, if you love fair food you will be pleased: they have their traditional offerings (cotton candy, pronto pups, etc), but they also have some other healthier offerings like Caesar salads and gyros, so there’s a little bit for everyone. During my “tour”, I had my fill of pronto pups, salad, a gyro, fried Oreos, a fried Snickers, and red velvet funnel cake! I know that sounds like a lot and it WAS-I had to back most of it up and take it home haha. I haven’t had a pronto pup in YEARS, and I liked the red velvet twist on the funnel cake.
After a few bites, I took a tour of the grounds to see the rides. I was never big on rides (aka I’m a wimp), and I immediately heard the Micheal Myers theme music when I saw the Ring of Fire. This was the last ride I ever got on. My cousin was either 10 or 12 (he’s now in his mid 20s) and asked me to ride on him and I basically screamed and called for Jesus the entire time (so much so that HE had to tell me to calm down roflll). That ride did me in!
I hate that I am so afraid of heights because I really want to get on a Ferris Wheel but I just don’t think that my anxiety can handle it and I would hate to freak out the entire time or get stuck on it. I’m getting anxious just thinking about it! Gah!
I do like playing games, though, so I hope to go back before it leaves to play a few and to also get some cotton candy (I meeeeean, you have to get cotton candy from the fair!).
The Mid-South Fair will be in town until September 29th. General Admission is only $5-$10; parking is free for the most part but click here to get all of the deets on hours + admission and here for wristband pricing so that you can plan accordingly.
Thanks so much for having me!