Whether you’ve been living in your home for 20 years or still trying to figure your interior design style out, you will inevitably get the itch to refresh your home in some way, shape or form. You don’t want to necessarily want to overhaul everything, but you may want to add some paint or switch a few things around so that there’s new energy in a room. In many instances, this is when some people start a DIY project but… I’m not one of those people, lol (I’ve tried and I’m severely limited in the home DIY realm and that’s totally fine with me). I don’t believe that you have to break the bank when you’re ready for a change in your decor, however, so here are 6 inexpensive ways to instantly refresh your home (especially if you’re on a budget).
Switch out decorative pillows
Who doesn’t love new pillows? I don’t do a ton of decorative pillows in my bedroom, but I do add a few extra ones on my couch and periodically change them out based on the accent colors I have going on with my prints and other decor. If you don’t want to own a million throw pillows, just get a few inserts and then order pillow covers when you’re ready for a change.
Add plants (and/or new plant holders)
Plants are really a game-changer when it comes to decor. That extra touch of greenery helps to make a room feel complete, regardless of what your interior design style is. Now, some people are able to own real plant babies and for that, you get a high 5, but if you’re like me and you KNOW you have a black thumb? Just stick to faux ones and leave the real ones to the plant whisperers, lol.
Get a new rug
Rugs are another one of those decor items that can really pull a room together. You want to make sure that you have the right size for whichever area you’re using it in, but rugs are must-have for your home, even if you have carpet (ESPECIALLY if you have ugly carpet like they do in a lot of apartments. A cute rug will help offset that). Bargain Hunt, Target, and At Home all have a ton of rug options to choose from and they’re relatively affordable.
Change out prints
Changing out the prints on your wall is a fun way to change up the vibe in your home. Sites like Society6, Minted Mapiful and Desenio curate a ton of different styles from artists that run the gamut of being super clean and minimalist to really bright and vibrant, so depending on the aesthetic of the foundational pieces you have in the room you’re working on, you can instantly switch things up.
Try a new floor lamp
Lighting is a very important component of interior design, and if you don’t have the money to change out a fixture (they can get really expensive), you can easily add or update a floor lamp for $100 or less. They can be a statement piece all on their own, so look for one with interesting details or design when you’re ready to upgrade.
Upgrade your towels
Each room in your home should feel complete, including your bathroom and kitchen. Even if you’re living in a rental and are limited with the changes that you can make, changing out the display towels in your bathroom and kitchen can make the room immediately feel more luxe. Target and Home Goods are my top recommendations for this, especially when you’re ballin on a budget but still want pretty, lush towels.
There are so many ways to refresh your home, and even if you only have $100 to spare here and there, if you take your time with each room and approach your updates with intention vs just buying something because it’s cheap, you can design a home that you truly love.