I’ve been blogging for almost 10 years now, and while I do share bits and pieces about my life here and there, I realized the other day that I’ve never shared a whole lot of detailed information about myself. There’s no better time than now to be a little more open, so here are 5 random things you might not know about me.
I’m the baby out of 3 kids.
I have 2 older brothers, Kevin and Stacey. While I am the baby, at times I felt like I was the “queen bee” because most of my cousins are boys. I have a set of twin cousins that are 7 years younger than me on my mom’s side, but for the most part, it was just me and the boys growing up. I may be the baby and the only girl, but I’m most definitely the bossy one.
I was a tomboy until high school.
When my mom found out she was pregnant with me, she was so excited because she thought that she was going to have a little princess to dress up and do girly things with. That couldn’t have been further from the truth, lol! Growing up surrounded by boys meant that I wanted to play in the dirt, climb trees, wrestle and do whatever else they were doing. At one point, I even tried to climb out one of the upstairs windows of my childhood home on a sheet while my brothers were playing Indiana Jones (I’m going to throw “allegedly” in here because I don’t remember doing this, but I DO remember the punishment that happened around this time lmao). I started wearing makeup at 11, but I always wore jeans and sneakers and hardly ever dressed up unless I had to. Once I got to high school, though, I started seeing more variety in the way that girls dressed and by my senior year I was wearing Mary Janes and Cardigan sets. I can still throw a football like a boy, though.
I was a band geek in jr. high.
Remember when I said I only dressed up when I had to? Usually it was for an event while I was in the band in jr. high, lol. I played the flute 7th through 9th grade, and even though I couldn’t read music and always had to write in the notes, I WAS good and even made it to first chair. I thought about staying in the band in high school, but by the Summer before my Sophomore year I was even more boy crazy and only wanted to hang out with my friends. I DID sing in the choir my Sophomore year, though (I’m an Alto).
I once worked at a strip club.
Relax those eyebrows-I was only a waitress! Ha! When I was 20, one of my girlfriends got hired as a bartender at a local strip club. I went to visit her one Friday night and they thought I was cute and hired to me to be a waitress. I only worked for a few weekends, though, because the hours were LONG (6pm-6am) and this was not a club that was super busy, so I quit because it wasn’t worth it. My friend stayed on and I would still go up and hang out sometimes because everyone that worked there was pretty cool. I remember one day we wanted to learn how to swing on the pole (which is extremely hard-you need major upper body strength + coordination) and one of the male security guards actually did a quick spin and blew. our. minds. I have so many memories from that time in my life but that’s reserved for my memoir.
I have a mugshot on file.
No, no, I didn’t hurt anyone, I just have the most randomest moments of bad luck. One of my favorite, most relaxing things to do is to ride around listening to music on Sunday afternoons, and one Sunday when I was 27 or 28 years old, I drove waaaay out into the country, maybe 30-40 minutes outside of Collierville. I got caught in a speed trap when I was looking for a place to turn around to go home (the speed limit had dropped from 45 to 30 mph but the sign was hidden). I was initially annoyed when the took my license, but when he came back and asked me to step out of the car (turns out my license was suspended for a parking ticket I never paid), I immediately went into panic mode and started dramatically crying (what can I say, I know men don’t like to see women crying and I looked even younger than I was, lol). Well it worked and instead of taking me in, he let me call a friend to come and get me, but he told me I would have to go back to that county’s courthouse within that week to get fingerprinted.
Going to get fingerprinted was the most bizarre thing. I took it seriously, obviously but deciding what to wear, how to wear my makeup, etc. was important (because if I became famous one day I wanted to make sure it was cute, right?) Their courthouse was something straight out of an old TV show, and the guard actually asked me if I famous; he thought I was the girl from 106 & Park (I look NOTHING like Free, yall!). I guess me going an extra mile for my outfit was worth it??? LOL, anyway, I never got to see the mugshot, but I still can’t believe that I have one floating around out there. I always say that this gives me extra street cred. Ha!
Anyhoo, those are a few random things about me, but there’s more. Kimmie has LIVED, lol. Hope you guys enjoyed and even got a few laughs! xo