Having gratitude for the small things in life are so important (especially right now), so I wanted to start sharing little things that I’m loving lately. I don’t know if this will turn into a series, but finding happiness in life’s simple pleasures is something I believe that everyone should do.
Fresh flowers weekly
I can’t take care of a plant to save my life, but I love having fresh flowers in my apartment. There’s just something about the way that they instantly brighten up a room that puts a smile on my face. Gifting me with flowers is one of the sweetest things that you can do (I have no preference-I love them all), but I can also grab a bouquet from Trader Joe’s or Kroger and be just as happy.
Sex and the City
Yes, I own all of the seasons and movies on DVD, but I recently discovered that I have HBOGO and have had it on almost nonstop whenever I’m at home. Since I can’t really go out on dates because of ole Rona, I’m living vicariously through the fabulous 4 (which one where you?)
Picnics in the park
Who would’ve thought that *I* would become a person that enjoys being outside??? It usually gets so hot and humid here in the city, but our Summer heatwave has been slow to come and I’ve actually had fun sitting outside with family and friends. I don’t know how long it will last, but for now, it’s fun.
I’m not necessarily on a health kick, BUT I have been having smoothies a lot more recently. I LOVE the Peanut Power Plus one from Smoothie King, and I bought this small blender to use to make some at home. Blueberry and vanilla has been the only recipe I’ve tried (I bought this vanilla protein powder), but I’m going to look into some more recipes.
Body Scrubs
Exfoliating is probably my favorite step in my skincare routine, and during the Summer I try my best to stay on a schedule with it since more skin is naturally exposed. I’ve tried a few different products, but this $6 exfoliating scrub by Dove is my absolute favorite. When I have the time to really do an intense shower session, I use exfoliating gloves as well. Your skin will feel like butta!
What are you loving right now?
#MJConsistencyChallenge #MJConsistencyPays gratitude lifestyle