What better place to finally wear this gorgeous Bl Nk Meridian Striped Tunic than the beach? I lucked up on this gorgeous tunic dress at Anthropologie back in late February, but it took me months to finally wear it because, well, I wear what I want when I want to wear it, lol. I know that may make me a “bad” fashion blogger because I sometimes hold items and they may not be shoppable when I actually post about them, but I use my wardrobe to help me with storytelling vs. always trying to push a product, so hopefully you guys understand.
The weather in Gulf Shores was to be expected at the beach: unpredictable, lol. So many 10 minute rainstorms throughout the day, heavy winds, but overall, a lot of sunshine. We had some humidity because we were so close to the beach (it was literally across the street from where we were staying), but it wasn’t unbearable or anything like that.
We went for a quick walk near the “boardwalk” area and the sand in this area was so nice! The first day we went to the beach 5 minutes from our beach house, but after seeing this area (and how less crowded it was), we went back the next day for a few hours. It was perfect.
This style of dress (flounce hem) has been a favorite for me this season. I know not everyone loves tunics because they are loose fitting and sometimes not the most “flattering” style by most people’s standards (you’re basically covered up and it has very little shape), but I love them. This stripes and floral print is that luxe bohemian aesthetic that I look for, so even though it was initially out of my price range, I had to have it and knew I’d be able to wear it for seasons to come.
Anthro always gets in some of the prettiest prints (and they have sales regularly if you’re budget conscious like me), so I’m linking a few tunics from them below:
What’s your favorite style of dress?
#MJConsistencyChallenge #MJConsistencyChallenge anthropologie dresses Fashion personal style style summer style