Finding happiness in life’s simple pleasures is something I believe that everyone should do.
Walks at Shelby Farms
I doubt that I will setting foot in anyone’s gym any time soon, so going for walks is what I try to do to get in some extra exercise. I normally walk in my neighborhood (a loop is around 1.5 miles), but last Sunday something told my spirit to go for a walk around the lake at Shelby Farms. Now, I wish something would have told my spirit to NOT do this smack dab in the middle of the afternoon when it felt like a 100 degrees (I thought I would be ok because it was right after a storm. NAW.), BUT, I won’t complain because after I got past my exhaustion I felt great lol. It was a really scenic walk, and I was able to zone out to my music and people watch as I went along. It’s 2.34 miles around the lake so you can get in a good sweat whether you are walking or running without burning out, just go when it’s not so hot, lol.
Lorac LUX Diamond Lip Gloss
I loooooove matte lipsticks, but every once in a while I get my hands on a lip gloss that has me ready to convert and throw them all away, lol. I ordered these new lip glosses by Lorac last week and they are a dream! They aren’t too buttery (those kinds can start sliding around your face), but they aren’t too sticky either. They are a thicker gloss that pops on the lips. If you’re someone that likes just a touch of color on your lips with your gloss, this is it.
Bangkok Alley
Earlier in the week I felt a tickle in my throat and thought I might be coming down with a cold, so I headed to Bangkok Alley, a local Thai restaurant, to get some of their Tom Yum Soup. I swear this spicy soup has healing powers in it because it’s been a go to for me for the last 3 years anytime I think I’m getting sick. I rarely take cold medicine (I feel like it makes you feel worse), so if I catch the sniffles I get this, some Tylenol and load up on hot tea to help fight it (plus a few other natural remedies I throw in). I always feel better when I have this soup and it hasn’t failed me yet. I also got a sushi roll to go as well.
Dapper Dan’s Memoir
Last week I watched Netflix’s “The Remix: Hip Hop x Fashion” and it reminded me that I needed to pick up Dapper Dan’s Memoir. I was always familiar with who he was (a pioneer in the hip hop community when it comes to fashion), but I don’t know his backstory, so I went and got his book.
Solo coffee dates
One of my favorite things to do is to go to a coffee shop and chill for a bit by my lonesome, even if it’s just for 15 or 20 minutes. One of my favorite places to do that at is 17 Berkshire (the macarons + chocolate chip cookies help too hehe). Even though we have to be extra careful when we go out now because of COVID, it’s still nice to be able to have a small treat like this.
What are you loving right now?
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