I am that person that starts to burn a candle the minute that I roll out of bed, so whenever I find candle scents that I really love, I try to stock up on them as much as possible. Now, I’m not a candle snob; I’ve found candles that were really inexpensive whose scent would flow throughout my entire apartment, and some that cost a pretty penny that barely burned beyond the flame. With that being said, I’ve found it’s best to just experiment with scents and try to find signature fragrances for your home.
I used to love really fruity scents, but now they make my head hurt, lol. I much prefer scents that are either really clean (think linen or citrusy notes), or some that are woodsy and border on masculine (sandalwood, oud, tobacco, etc).
Currently I am obsessed with DW Home Candles and love their Sandalwood Myrrh and Tobacco Oud candles. They smell so good, and are really relaxing fragrances. I also love candles from Bath & Body Works, but not all are created equal for me. Champagne Toast and Chamomile Bergamot are staples year round (they’re a little sexy, and men tend to like them as well), and during the holidays they have a Fresh Balsam scent that smells like Christmas morning (when this scent is released again, I will be stocking up/hoarding them, lol).
Once I discover notes that I love, I tend to look for them whenever I shop for candles, regardless of the brand. If you don’t have a signature scent for your home, I highly encourage you to find one. Your sense of smell has the power to trigger memories and emotions, and there’s nothing like smelling a scent and immediately thinking of (and feeling), the comfort of your home.