Every day it seems like there is something new to learn or update when it comes to the blogging/influencing industry, and if I’m being honest, it can be very overwhelming. Because it’s still a relatively new industry, deciphering what to take in and what to skip over as it relates to what you want to personally accomplish with blogging can be a challenge, but as someone that’s been blogging now for 11 years, there are a few core things that should never change, regardless of what your blogging goals are.
If you’re in a season of unsureness and need to switch things up (but aren’t sure what exactly to do), here are 4 tips for finding clarity in blogging.
Revisit your why
Why did you get into blogging? Was it to teach something? To share products? Maybe to use your site as a portfolio? We all got into blogging for different reasons, and it’s important to periodically revisit your “Why” so that you don’t lose sight of why you share. If you got into it to make money that’s a whole other issue, but whenever you find yourself stuck or wondering if you should continue on, revisit your why behind blogging.
Refine your content pillars
We are ever-evolving human beings, so it’s natural for our interests to change. This is also true in blogging. When I first started, this blog was to serve as an outlet for me to share style ideas while I built up a fashion styling portfolio. While I do still share some of those tips and styling work, it has since evolved to also include travel, health and wellness, and also happenings/new businesses around the city. All of my content flows really well together because it evolved to be about my life and share the things that I’ve learned in so many areas, so if you’ve been wanting to switch things up, you can do the same. It’s normal.
sweatshirt | denim | earrings / sandals
Remember that you are your niche
Regardless of what you choose to blog about, always remember that you are at the center of your content. You are your niche, so whether you identify as a Christian blogger that wants to share about the glory of God, or you’re a beauty guru that wants to teach people all you know about makeup and skincare, remember to add in a personal element so that your content is relatable, and it also has a strong perspective. Many times we skim the surface when it comes to our storytelling because we’re uncomfortable or afraid of of people getting too close, but if people can’t connect with you, they’ll routinely skip over your content because they have no reason to be invested in you. You don’t have to put aaaaall of your business out on front street, but it’s ok to share a little bit more. You have control over what you share, so it’s totally ok to be selective.
Turn on blinders
The gift and curse of social media is that there’s sooooo much content out there to consume, and sometimes we can get overwhelmed by it all. It’s natural for content creators to follow other content creators for inspiration, but you also have to know when it’s time to turn on your blinders and focus on your own ish. Wanting to expand and evolve because you’re inspired is great, but wanting to copy other creators or being paralyzed and not creating at all should never happen, so if you ever find yourself in a rut, step away from social media for a bit to recollect and get back into your own content. You’ll be so glad that you did.
There are so many other things that you can do to find clarity in blogging, but if you start with these 4 tips, you’ll be back on track in no time!