Like most people, Sundays have always been a day for me to reset. It’s the day that I like to both slow down but also prepare myself for the week ahead as best I can. While I no longer work a traditional 9 to 5, I’ve found that maintaining a sense of structure is still key for success for me; if I don’t then I’ll be all over the place in so many areas in my life. I won’t lie and say I get it right all the time, but when I practice these 5 habits on Sundays, it helps me to ease into the week and feel prepared for whatever comes my way.
Meal prep ingredients
I don’t cook a ton, but there are certain ingredients that I keep regularly in the fridge so that at any given moment I can make a quick 15-20 minute meal. I try to buy fresh produce (berries, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, greens, etc) and prep them in containers that I can easily grab and use. The great thing about what I buy is that they can be used together or separate, and for any type of meal (breakfast/lunch/dinner), so I’m all set for those days that I work from home.
Review Your Calendar/Schedule for the Week
Doing a quick review of what I have scheduled on my calendar for the week ahead helps me determine where I can plug in chores, workouts, and time with friends and family. As much as I’d like to do certain things at the same date and time, it’s just not possible, so reviewing my calendar helps me make those adjustments without overbooking my day.
Tidy Up
While I grew up cleaning on Saturday mornings, Sundays are actually my preferred day to really clean my apartment. I’ve found that when I block out a few hours on Sunday to do the heavy lifting cleaning (laundry, bathroom, dusting, kitchen), I only have to pick up throughout the week and I don’t feel overwhelmed by it.
Prioritize your to-do list
We ALL have a never-ending to do list that we work from, but the goal is to know when we should do what so that we can actually get shit done. Gone are the days when I felt like I needed to be Superwoman and do 20 things a day to feel accomplished. No, no, no. Now, we prioritize 3-5 things a day that we KNOW must be done, and then everything else can be shifted around as needed.
Have a self care moment
Selfcare is different for everyone. For some, it’s taking a bubble bath and zoning out listening to music. For others, it’s taking a long bike ride around a lake. Whatever it may be, give yourself at least 30 minutes to indulge in your self-care treatment.
Go to bed at a decent time
I personally know how hard this can be, but I can’t deny that when I go to bed at a decent time, I’m way more refreshed the next day and I’m also much more productive. I don’t have to have a bed time per se, but I do feel weird when I sleep too late during the week, so if you feel the same way too (or are just tired of being perpetually exhausted), make it a priority.
There are so many more things that you can probably do to get rid of the Sunday scaries, but I’ve found that implementing all of these will truly work wonders.