Don't get me wrong, I have my fair share of IG and Pinterest screenshots in my phone now, but... it just doesn't hit the same, you know? Something is missing. I really do miss reading personal blogs and how inspiring they were.
Last month I celebrated 14 (yes FOURTEEN!) years of blogging and honestly, I still can't believe that much time has passed! This last year has been filled with a LOT of change, but the last few months have ushered in a newfound sense of creativity, so I've really been enjoying making content again.
There are certain types of posts that I keep in my back pocket for those times when I haven't really planned out content for my blog or IG, so I wanted to share just in case you've found yourself in a similar place with your own content.
Hiii's been a while. Months to be exact. The last quarter of 2023 was a very busy one with work, family things and just life, so many of the posts that were supposed to go up before the year ended never saw the light of day.
I've been blogging for almost 13 years, and while so much about this industry has changed, there are a few things that have stayed the same and helped so many creatives within this space continue to grow.
Guys-I've officially been blogging for 12 (yes, TWELVE) years today! It's still surreal to me that something that started as a creative outlet while I figured out what I wanted to do with my life is still going strong!
As someone that's been blogging for almost 12 years, I've learned a thing or 2 about how to be a good blogger regardless of your niche or following size.
If you're in a season of unsureness and need to switch things up (but aren't sure what exactly to do), here are 4 tips for finding clarity in blogging.
Guys, today marks ELEVEN years since I launched KPFUSION! It's still surreal to me that I've been blogging for so many years (and regularly at that!), but I honestly can't imagine letting it go. With that being said, I wanted to celebrate the day sharing what I know to be true about blogging.