This past Saturday was a busy but fun day for me. I had 2 blogger shoots lined up that day but they were 8 hours apart, so after my first shoot, I took a little time for some retail therapy and then a solo lunch at El Mero Taco.
If you ask me to choose between waffles or pancakes, I will almost always pick pancakes. I've always preferred them for breakfast, so I was happy when I finally made my way over to Staks Pancake Kitchen.
When Summer arrives, I naturally find myself gravitating towards lighter fare. Fresh fruit, smoothies and salads become staples, and lately I've been making this Peach Salad with Balsamic Glaze on the days I'm hungry but don't want anything too heavy.
The beauty of this flatbread recipe is that you probably already have most of these ingredients in your fridge and pantry, and depending on the flavor palette that you want to create, you can mix things up and still create something yummy in 10 minutes.
Acai smoothie bowls are a little too sweet for me (and I'd honestly prefer to just drink a smoothie), but regular yogurt bowls have always been just right.
As with most emergencies and disasters, you should have a stash of non-perishable food items at home to help you get through the next few days, but, I also want to suggest stocking up on fresh fruits and vegetables as well if you can.
I'm always on the go, but I still try to keep fresh fruits, veggies, and lean meats at home so that I can make really quick meals when needed. I tend to buy the same items all Read more
I'm a sucker for avocado toast, so when we stopped by Saint Leo for lunch during our trip to Oxford, MS for the MENT Event, I knew that I had to try it when I saw it on their menu.
A few Saturday's ago, me and my friend (and fellow blogger) Andrea Fenise grabbed a bite to eat at Elemento Neapolitan Pizza after an afternoon of shooting some style content for our blogs.
Last November, I took a cooking class at Sur La Table for an article for Saddle Creek, and not only was the meal we made the, but I also learned a few things I was able to take back to my own kitchen.