
6 Things You Need To Purge Right Now

If you're ready to get a little more organized in your home, here are 6 things that you can toss today to help you get started.


junk mail

Clip any coupons that you may actually use and then immediately trash or recycle the rest. 


old magazines

Cut out your favorite looks and editorials, then take the rest to a recycling center.


old makeup

If the products are still good but gently used, they can be donated to a women’s shelter or charity. Anything else? TRASH.


damaged clothing + shoes

If it’s not an item that can be repaired or worn if you get it cleaned or sent to the cleaners, let it go.


old planners + notebooks

Unless you're using them for props in photos, let go of any that are outdated or  halfway used. 


old phone cords + chargers

You no longer own a NOKIA, so why do you still have the charger? Take it to the trash!

It’s a struggle, but the more you get into the habit of tossing things you DON’T need, the easier it’ll be to keep a clean, organized home!